Building “employment-ready” students for a lifetime career in construction.
Welcome to the Construction Career Center! We are building bright futures in construction through skills training, career coaching, paid work-based learning, and support to get students on a lucrative career path in construction for a lifetime of success.
Students learn real skills to build a skyscraper – electrical, structures, carpentry, masonry, concrete, plumbing, and more -and how those systems work together in the building process. By getting exposure to all of the elements of construction, students can make a sound decision on the construction path they want to follow.
Success is just on the other side of graduation! High school students earn dual high school and college credit, receive paid work-based learning, and graduate with nationally recognized construction certifications. And construction jobs pay great! Starting salaries are $17 – $30 per hour with unlimited earning and growth potential in this high-demand field.
Whether you want to start making money on the job right after graduation or continue on to a 4-year degree, the Construction Career Center will set you on the right track without accruing massive amounts of college debt.
placement of all of our graduates in a job or continuing education pathway
Hamilton County Vocational School for 11th & 12th Grade
This is a dual enrollment program with Chattanooga State Community College / TCAT. Graduates will receive at least five certifications in construction, work-based learning, and career counseling.
TCAT Adult Construction Certification and Training
Certification training, instruction, and mentorship for adults interested in careers in construction. Graduates are connected with construction employers.
AGC East Tennessee provides career counseling and placement services for students and candidates, and continuing education and business support for industry professionals.
Upcoming Continuing Education for Adults
Construction Expo Exposes Students to Great Careers in Construction
Hamilton County Schools and AGC East Tennessee presented their first Construction Career Expo on Friday, December 8 for 10th grade high school students interested in exploring career opportunities in the construction industry. Students from across Hamilton County...
Meet Our Graduate, Lovette Clay
Construction Career Center Wins National Award for Workforce Development!
Pictured from left to right: Nic Cornelison (President of P&C Construction, Immediate Past Chair of AGC East Tennessee, and Construction Career Center Board Member), Jason Medeiros (President of Pointe General Contractors and Chair of AGC East Tennessee), Leslie...
Construction employers and educators selected the curriculum to give students a broad and thorough understanding of the construction process. This rigorous curriculum, designed by the National Center for Construction Education & Research, will prepare students to be “employment-ready” upon graduation. Graduates will have:
- At least 5 certifications in construction, plus OSHA 10 and First Aid / CPR
- 1,500 hours of construction education and hands-on training
- Paid work-based learning with an construction company
- Soft skills and leadership training
- Direct interaction with construction employers to understand job expectations and responsibilities
- Financial literacy education
organizing partners